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6月23日 05:09 終於有時間看了整場的世足,2002年南韓贏是真的有點料啦,西班牙加油,希望打進冠軍賽,我不想那時候在巴塞隆納被海K~
6月23日 22:38 好熱血~我家四個人,媽媽看民視,爸爸線上收看美國VS阿爾及利亞,妹妹線上收看英格蘭VS斯洛維尼亞,而我的電腦FB+線上觀看鄉民的文章。
6月25日 21:32 忙翻了 一點都不比工作輕鬆 給我喘息的空間吧!

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The Belgians have been brewing beers since the Middle Ages. Modern produce is recognised for quality and many are exported worldwide.

The country produces more than 450 different varieties of beer and has approximately 125 breweries. Including the "one-off" beers, the total number of beers produced exceeds 1,000. Many are associated with a glass, its shape designed specifically for the beer variety.

Perhaps the most famous of all the Belgian beers is Lambic beer, which for many years was produced in the Senne Valley. This is made using an ancient style of brewing which relies on spontaneous fermentation to produce a very dry and naturally gassy beer which improves with years in the bottle. EU regulations mean that it can only be produced in a small area of the country. Gueuze is a famous Lambic beer produced by mixing a young Lambic beer with more mature vintages.

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La Vallée Village  http://www.lavalleevillage.com/fr_FR/cat/women
Contact: +33 (0)1 60 42 35 00  +33 (0)1 60 42 35 00.

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原則上都是以巴士連結為主 http://www.mobiliteit.lu/

可利用盧森堡卡划算許多 Luxembourg Card http://www.ont.lu/card-en.html
網頁內容有指出憑卡可以免費搭乘公共交通 Public transport is free of charge with the LuxembourgCard.

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比利時國鐵 http://www.b-rail.be/main/E/
<1> 10 single journeys rail pass €74,詳細使用說明 http://www.b-rail.be/nat/E/tarifs/passes/rail/index.php
<2> Weekend ticket (Discounted return ticket for travel from Friday night from 7 PM until Sunday night),要在櫃檯買詳細的使用說明 http://www.b-rail.be/nat/E/tarifs/tickets/weekend/index.php  

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購買火車票在售票櫃檯買票要收50分的服務費,建議使用自動販賣機,上面有英文說明。如果沒有零錢,拿紙鈔到售票櫃檯旁的自動零錢兌換機換零錢。如果看不懂火車時刻表,可以向售票員免費列印。上面說明出發時間、月台、抵達時間、轉車站。 如果您沒有火車打折卡,請勿選擇Korting,否則驗票時還是要罰35歐。
大型火車站有新型觸幕式和舊型按鍵式自動販賣機,小型火車站只有舊式。新型方便、多國語言,但是只能用卡付錢,不收紙鈔硬幣;舊型可以用多種付款方式,但是只有荷文,而且要先找到目的地的代碼才能按鍵選票種。 一日遊票適用於當天來往許多城市的遊客,例如從阿姆斯特丹去羊角村、鹿特丹、海牙、再回到阿姆斯特丹,這種票可在新型售票機和櫃檯可買到。 聯程票適用於分開為兩段以上的行程的票,例如從機場到阿姆斯特丹停留,在去鹿特丹。可以在機場買到鹿特丹的單程票,告知櫃檯要先去阿姆斯特丹就好,如此在櫃檯買票不加收手續費。 11歲以下的小孩在大人陪同之下可以每人2歐的價格搭乘火車,一位大人最多可以帶三位兒童,這種票叫Railplus, 可在新型售票機和櫃檯買到。

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