瑞士網站搜尋引擎: www.search.ch
簽證資訊: www.eda.admin.cn/eda/en/home/reps/asia/vchn/cncghk.html
瑞士世界: www.swissinfo.ch
- May 25 Tue 2010 22:25
Sites for Swiss
- May 25 Tue 2010 02:37
Sites for Touraine
http://www.voyages.sncf.com for Train around France and Europe
- May 25 Tue 2010 02:28
Sites for Paris
- May 24 Mon 2010 20:50
德國: Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche
英國: Jaguar, Rover, Rolls-Royce, Bentley
- Apr 18 Sun 2010 12:49
- Apr 11 Sun 2010 21:18
- Apr 08 Thu 2010 23:42
項次 | 中文標示內容 | 審定詞彙 |
一、營利事業所得稅 |
1 | 營利事業 | Profit-seeking Enterprise |
2 | 小規模營利事業 | Small-size Profit-seeking Enterprise |
3 | 公有事業 | Public Utility Enterprise |
4 | 營業代理人 | Business Agent |
5 | 國際金融業務分行 | Branches of International Banking Business Institutions (Off-shore Banking Branches,Off-shore Banking Units ) |
6 | 教育文化公益慈善機關或團體 | Educational, Cultural, Public Welfare or Charitable Organizations or Societies |
7 | 營利事業所得額 | The Amount of the Profit-seeking Enterprise Income |
8 | 中華民國來源所得 | Income from Sources in the Republic of China |
9 | 分離課稅 | Taxed Separately |
10 | 短期票券 | Short-term Commercial Papers |
11 | 會計帳簿及憑證 | Account Books and Vouchers |
12 | 會計年度 | Fiscal Year |
13 | 會計基礎 | The Accounting Basis |
14 | 就源扣繳 | Tax Withheld at Source |
15 | 扣繳義務人及納稅義務人 | The Tax Withholders and Taxpayers |
16 | 扣繳稅款之繳納及扣繳憑單之申報 | The Payment of Taxes Withheld and the Filing of the Withholding Certificates |
17 | 各類所得扣繳率標準 | The Standards of Withholding Rates for Various Incomes |
18 | 暫繳申報 | The Provisional Income Tax Returns |
19 | 結算申報(營利事業所得稅) | The Annual Income Tax Returns(Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax) |
20 | 延期申報 | 所得稅法已無延期申報制度 |
21 | 會計師查核簽證申報 | Certified Public Accountant to Certify and Duly File |
22 | 結算申報書 | Annual Income Tax Return Forms |
23 | 催報 | To Urge to File Tax Returns |
24 | 滯報金(營利事業所得稅) | Non-reporting Surcharge(Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax) |
25 | 怠報金(營利事業所得稅) | Delinquent Reporting Surcharge(Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax) |
26 | 決算申報 | A Current Final Report on Total Business Income |
27 | 清算申報 | A Current Final Report on Income Earned from Liquidation |
28 | 清算期間 | Period of Liquidation |
29 | 清算所得 | Liquidation Income |
30 | 國外稅額扣抵 | Foreign Tax Credit |
31 | 大陸及港澳地區課稅規定 | The Regulations of Taxes for Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao Areas |
32 | 所得額標準 | The Standards of Income |
33 | 同業利潤標準 | The Profit Standard of the Same Trade Concerned |
34 | 營利事業所得稅查核準則 | The Guidelines for Examination of Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax |
35 | 查帳審核 | Auditing Books and Accounts |
36 | 書面審核 | Reviewing Tax Declaration on Paper |
37 | 擴大書面審核 | Reviewing Tax Declaration on Paper Expanding to the Cases Qualified the Standards Issued by the MOF |
38 | 電腦選案 | The Cases Selected by a Computer |
39 | 實際成本 | Actual Cost |
40 | 資本支出 | Capital Expenditures |
41 | 固定資產 | The Fixed Assets |
42 | 耐用年數 | The Service Life |
43 | 殘價 | The Residual Value |
44 | 資產重估價 | Assets Revaluation |
45 | 原物料耗用通常水準 | The Common Level of Materials and Supplies Being Used for Production |
46 | 盈虧互抵 | Offsetting Between Profits and Losses |
47 | 災害損失(營利事業所得稅) | Losses from Disaster (profit-seeking enterprise income tax) |
48 | 融資租賃 | Financial Leasing |
49 | 營業常規 | The Regular Business Practice |
50 | 兩稅合一 | Imputation System |
51 | 可扣抵稅額 | The Amount of the Imputation Credit |
52 | 股利總額 | The Gross Amount of Dividends |
53 | 股東可扣抵稅額帳戶 | The Imputation Credit Account |
54 | 股東可扣抵稅額帳戶變動明細申報 | Filing the Statement of Changes in the Imputation Credit Account |
55 | 稅額扣抵比率 | Tax Creditable Ratio |
56 | 稅額扣抵比率上限 | Upper Limits of the Tax Creditable Ration |
57 | 超額分配股東可扣抵稅額 | The Amount of Over-distributed the imputation credit |
58 | 留抵稅額(營利事業所得稅) | Tax Overpaid Tax for Offsetting the Future Tax Payable(Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax) |
59 | 未分配盈餘 | Undistributed Earnings |
60 | 未分配盈餘申報 | Filing the Undistributed Earnings |
61 | 賦稅減免獎勵 | Incentive of Taxation |
62 | 一時貿易之盈餘 | The Surplus Profit Derived by An Individual from Incidental trading Activities |
63 | 一般扣除額 | General Deduction |
64 | 人 | Person |
65 | 不可抗力之災害 | A Disaster Caused by Irresistible Force |
66 | 中華民國境內居住之個人 | An Individual Residing in the Republic of China |
67 | 他人 | Others |
68 | 可扣抵稅額(綜合所得稅) | The Amount of the Imputation Credit |
69 | 申報納稅 | To File Tax Returns and Make Tax Payments |
70 | 申報期限 | The Time Limit Prescribed for Filing Income Tax Returns |
71 | 交換 | Exchange |
72 | 列舉扣除額 | Itemized Deduction |
73 | 合併報繳 | Declared and Paid Consolidatedly by the Taxpayers |
74 | 在校就學 | Studying in School |
75 | 扣除額 | Deduction |
76 | 扣繳率 | Withholding Rate |
77 | 扣繳稅額 | Withholding Tax |
78 | 扣繳憑單 | The Withholding Certificate |
79 | 扣繳辦法 | Withholding Procedures |
80 | 自力耕作漁牧林礦所得 | Income from Self-undertaking in Farming, Fishing, Animal husbandry, Forestry and Mining |
81 | 自用住宅 | Building of the Self-use Residence |
82 | 自宅重購稅額退抵 | Deduction or Refund for Repurchase of a Building as Self-use Residence |
83 | 自繳稅額繳款書 | Receipts for Taxes Paid Voluntarily |
84 | 免扣繳憑單 | Ther Withholding Exemption Certificate |
85 | 免稅額 | Exemption |
86 | 免辦結算申報 | Exemption of Income Tax Filing |
87 | 利息所得 | Income from Interest |
88 | 災害損失(綜合所得稅) | Losses from Disaster |
89 | 依規定稅率納稅 | To Make Tax Payment in Accordance with the Regulations Concerned |
90 | 其他所得 | Other Income |
91 | 延期申報 | 所得稅法已無延期申報制度 |
92 | 押金 | Deposit |
93 | 版稅 | Income from Royalties |
94 | 直系尊親屬 | Lineal Ascendant |
95 | 金融機構 | Financial Institution |
96 | 非中華民國境內居住之個人 | An Individual Not Residing in the Republic of China |
97 | 非扣繳範圍之所得 | Payment Which Does Not Come Under the Categories Subject to Tax Withholding |
98 | 保險費 | Insurance Premium |
99 | 盈餘總額 | The Surplus Earning Distributed |
100 | 銀行業通行之存款利率 | The Prevailing Deposit Interest Rate (0r Bid Rate) Adopted by Local Banking Industries |
101 | 軍人薪餉 | Salaries of Military Personnel in Active Service |
102 | 個人 | Individual |
103 | 捐贈 | Donation |
104 | 核定稅額通知書 | Notice of Assessment |
105 | 特支費 | Special Disbursement |
106 | 特別扣除額 | Special Deduction |
107 | 租賃所得 | Income from Lease |
108 | 納稅義務人(綜合所得稅) | Taxpayers |
109 | 財產交易所得 | Income from the Transaction of Property |
110 | 財產交易損失 | Losses from the Transaction of Property |
111 | 退休金 | Retirement Pay, |
112 | 退職所得 | Severance Pay |
113 | 退職金 | Separation Pay |
114 | 配偶薪資所得分開計稅合併報繳 | The Amount of Tax Leviable on the Salary Income of a Taxpayer or His(Her) Spouse Computed Separately and then Declared and Paid Consolidatedly by the Taxpayers |
115 | 執行業務所得 | Income from Professional Practice |
116 | 執行業務者 | Practitioner of Profession |
117 | 教育學費 | Educational Tuition |
118 | 教育學費特別扣除 | Special Deduction for Educational Tuition |
119 | 終身俸 | Life-time Pension |
120 | 扣繳之報繳 | To Pay the Withholding Tax |
121 | 扣繳之申報 | To File the Withholding Tax |
122 | 就源扣繳 | Tax Withheld at Source |
123 | 期貨交易所得 | Income from Transactions of Futures |
124 | 殘障特別扣除 | Special Deduction for the Disabled or Handicapped |
125 | 無謀生能力者 | Being Incapable of Earning a Livelihood |
126 | 結算申報(綜合所得稅) | The Annual Income Tax Return |
127 | 給付時 | At the Time of Payment |
128 | 視同給付 | Deemed Payment |
129 | 損害賠償金 | Compensation for Death or Injury |
130 | 溢扣 | The Amount Over-withheld |
131 | 當地一般租金 | The Local Prevailing Rental Standard |
132 | 資遣費 | Severance Pay |
133 | 實物配給或代金 | Allowance in Kind or Cash |
134 | 綜合所得淨額 | The Annual Total Net Consolidated Income |
135 | 綜合所得稅 | Consolidated Income Tax |
136 | 綜合所得稅結算申報書 | Consolidated Income Tax Return Forms |
137 | 綜合所得總額 | The Annual Total Gross Consolidated Income |
138 | 撫恤金 | Pension |
139 | 標準扣除額 | Standard Deduction |
140 | 稿費樂譜作曲編劇漫畫收入 | Income Derived from Written Articles, Copyright Books, Musical Compositions, Musical Productions, Dramas, Cartoons |
141 | 課稅年度 | Taxable Year |
142 | 儲蓄投資特別扣除 | Special Deduction for Savings and Investment |
143 | 應納稅額 | Tax Payable |
144 | 營利所得 | Income from Profit-seeking |
145 | 薪資所得 | Income from Salaries and Wages |
146 | 薪資所得特別扣除 | Special Deduction of Income from Salaries/Wages |
147 | 購屋借款利息 | Interest on a House Mortgage |
148 | 醫藥及生育費 | Medical and Childbirth Expenses |
149 | 離職金 | Resignation Pay |
150 | 證券交易所得 | Gains Derived from the Securities Transactions |
151 | 競技競賽及機會中獎獎金或給與 | Income from Contests and Games and from Prizes and Awards Won by Chance |
152 | 權利金所得 | Income from Royalties |
153 | 變動所得 | Variable Income |
154 | 簡式申報書 | Simplified Income Tax Return Forms |
155 | 必要損耗及費用 | Necessary Losses and Expenditures |
156 | 扶養親屬 | Dependents |
157 | 實物所得 | Income in Kind |
158 | 屬地主義 | Territoriality Principle |
159 | 物價指數連動法 | Consumer Price Index |
160 | 現時徵繳制 | Pay-as-you-Earn |
161 | S公司 | S-Corporation |
162 | 一人公司 | One-man Corporation |
163 | 二手貨 | Used Goods |
164 | 人身保險 | Life Insurance |
165 | 人權及租稅 | Human Rights and Taxation |
166 | 土地開發稅 | Development Land Tax |
167 | 子公司 | Subsidiary Company |
168 | 小規模營業人 | Small Traders |
169 | 小規模公司 | Small Business Corporation |
170 | 小規模企業減免額 | Small Business Relief |
171 | 小額所得減免額 | Small Income Relief |
172 | 工商利潤稅 | Industrial and Commercial Profits Tax |
173 | 已繳納公司稅之盈餘所分配之股利 | Frank Investment Income |
174 | 不納入課稅 | To The Exclusion of Taxafion |
175 | 不動產利得稅 | Immovable Property Gains Tax |
176 | 不動產移轉稅 | Immovable Property Transfer Tax |
177 | 不動產稅 | Immovable Property Tax |
178 | 引力原則 | Force of Attraction |
179 | 支出稅 | Expenditure Tax |
180 | 日出條款 | Sunrise Clause |
181 | 落日條款 | Sunset Clause |
182 | 祖父條款 | Grandfather Clause |
183 | 主管機關 | Competent Authority |
184 | 出口補貼 | Export Bonus |
185 | 出口退稅 | Export Rebate |
186 | 加工出口區 | Export Processing Zone |
187 | 加值稅 | Value-Added Tax |
188 | 加值稅扣抵 | Credit, VAT |
189 | 可比較未受控價格法 | Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method |
190 | 古典課稅制 | Classical System |
191 | 外國個人控股公司 | Foreign Personal Holding Company, FPHC |
192 | 外國銷貨公司 | Foreign Sales Corporation, FSC |
193 | 外匯稅 | Foreign Exchange Tax |
194 | 所得平均法 | Averaging of Income |
195 | 未繳納公司稅盈餘所分配之股利 | Unfranked Investment Income |
196 | 母公司 | Parent Company |
197 | 有實際關連之所得 | Effectively Connected Income |
198 | 目的地原則 | Destination Principle |
199 | 石油收入稅 | Petroleum Revenue Tax |
200 | 交易稅 | Transaction Taxes |
201 | 交通稅 | Transportation Taxes |
202 | 企業集團 | Group of Companies |
203 | 全球所得 | World-wide Income |
204 | 全球財產 | World-wide Property |
205 | 再投資期間 | Re-investment Period |
206 | 再投資優惠 | Re-investment Relief;Roll-over Relief |
207 | 再售價格法 | Resale Price Method |
208 | 同時查核 | Simultaneous Tax Audit |
209 | 名目資本 | Nominal Capital |
210 | 合併 | Mergers |
211 | 地方政府、免稅額、課稅權 | Local Authority、Exemption、Taxing Powers |
212 | 免稅額 | Exemption |
213 | 地方稅 | Local Taxes and Rates |
214 | 多國租稅協定 | Multilateral Tax Treaties |
215 | 多國籍企業 | Multinational Companies |
216 | 多階段課稅 | Multi-stage Taxation |
217 | 年金計畫 | Pension Schemes |
218 | 成本分攤協議 | Cost sharing Agreements |
219 | 成本加價法 | Cost-plus Method |
220 | 扣繳稅 | Withholding Tax |
221 | 扣繳稅款之扣抵 | Credit, Withholding Tax |
222 | 收入分成 | Revenue Sharing |
223 | 有限合夥 | Limited Partnership |
224 | 污染稅 | Anti-Pollution Measures(Tax) |
225 | 老人減免額 | Age Relief |
226 | 自由貿易 | Free Trade |
227 | 利潤稅 | Profits Tax |
228 | 技術協助費 | Technical Assistance Fee |
229 | 批發階段銷售稅 | Wholesale Sales Tax |
230 | 投資公司 | Investment Company |
231 | 投資所得 | Investment Income |
232 | 投資信託 | Investment Trust |
233 | 證券投資(間接投資) | Investment, Portfolio |
234 | 投資減除額 | Investment Allowance |
235 | 投資稅額扣抵 | Investment Tax Credit |
236 | 投資準備 | Investment Reserve |
237 | 汽車稅 | Motor Vehicles Tax |
238 | 防杜避稅措施 | Anti-avoidance Measures |
239 | 防杜欠稅措施 | Anti-delinquency Measures |
240 | 使用稅 | Use Tax |
241 | 來源地證明 | Certificate of Origin |
242 | 來源規則 | Source Rule |
243 | 受託人 | Trustee |
244 | 受控之外國公司 | Controlled Foreign Corporation, CFC |
245 | 受雇所得 | Employment Income |
246 | 固定處所 | Fixed Base |
247 | 固定資產稅 | Fixed Assets Tax |
248 | 定率國外稅額扣抵 | Fixed Foreign Tax Credit |
249 | 定額課稅 | Lump-sum Tax |
250 | 居住地之變更 | Change of Residence |
251 | 居住者外國人 | Resident Alien |
252 | 所得來源 | Source of Income |
253 | 所得稅平均稅率 | Average Rate of Income Tax |
254 | 所得稅額扣抵 | Income Tax Credit |
255 | 非居住者 | Non-Resident |
256 | 非居住者外國人 | Non-Resident Alien |
257 | 非勤勞所得 | Unearned Income |
258 | 非課稅所得 | Non-taxable Income |
259 | 非課稅資產 | Non-taxable Assets |
260 | 非營利團體 | Non-profit Organization |
261 | 非關稅障礙 | Non-tariff Barriers |
262 | 信託不動產 | Trust Estate |
263 | 孩童減免額 | Child Relief |
264 | 孩童照顧支出 | Child Care Expenses |
265 | 指定用途稅 | Earmarking of Revenue |
266 | 盈餘準備 | Reserves |
267 | 相互協助 | Mutual Assistance |
268 | 相互協議程序 | Mutual Agreement Procedure |
269 | 共同基金 | Mutual Fund |
270 | 研究發展 | Research & Development |
271 | 科學研究稅額扣抵 | Scientific Research Tax Credit |
272 | 負所得稅 | Negative Income Tax |
273 | 負資本帳戶 | Negative Capital Account |
274 | 免服軍人勞務之課稅 | Military Service Exemption |
275 | 重組 | Reorganization |
276 | 重複課稅 | Double Taxation |
277 | 個人控股公司 | Personal Holding Company |
278 | 個別限額法(國外稅額扣抵) | Per Country Limitation |
279 | 家族公司 | Family Corporation |
280 | 旅館稅 | Hotel Tax |
281 | 核定通知 | Notice of Assessment |
282 | 消費者物價指數 | Consumer Price Index |
283 | 消極性所得 | Passive Income |
284 | 特許權利 | Franchise |
285 | 特許權利稅 | Franchise Tax |
286 | 特種稅課 | Excise Duties |
287 | 租稅之轉嫁 | Tax Shifting, Shifting of Taxes |
288 | 租稅之整合 | Harmonization of Tax |
289 | 租稅代理人 | Tax Agent |
290 | 租稅存款證明 | Tax Deposit Certificate |
291 | 租稅扣抵 | Tax Credit |
292 | 租稅庇護所 | Tax Haven |
293 | 租稅協定 | Tax Treaty |
294 | 租稅保密 | Tax Secrecy |
295 | 租稅特赦 | Tax Amnesty |
296 | 租稅假期 | Tax Holiday |
297 | 租稅規畫 | Tax Planning |
298 | 租稅遞延 | Deferment of Tax |
299 | 納稅依從度 | Tax Compliance |
300 | 財政住所 | Fiscal Residence |
301 | 無差別待遇 | Nondiscrimination |
302 | 登記稅(費) | Registration Dues and Taxes |
303 | 發起人股份 | Founder’s Shares |
304 | 發票基礎 | Invoice Basis |
305 | 短期資本利得 | Short-term Capital Gains |
306 | 稅約範本 | Model Tax Conventions |
307 | 稅率表 | Tax Table |
308 | 稅率級距 | Brackets |
309 | 視同已繳納 | Deemed-paid Rule |
310 | 視同已納稅額扣抵 | Tax Sparing Credit |
311 | 視同利息 | Deemed Interest |
312 | 估價原則 | Valuation Principle |
313 | 費用比例 | Expense Ratio |
314 | 費用帳 | Expense Account |
315 | 交易或營業 | Trade or Business |
316 | 貿易聯盟 | Trade Union |
317 | 超級權利金 | Super Royalty |
318 | 進口存款 | Import Deposits |
319 | 進口附加捐 | Import Surcharge |
320 | 設算扣抵制 | Imputation System |
321 | 進口配額 | Import Quotas |
322 | 開發中國家租稅法 | Developing Countries Tax Law |
323 | 集團間勞務 | Intra-group Services |
324 | 傾銷 | Dumping |
325 | 勤勞所得 | Earned Income |
326 | 勤勞所得扣除額 | Relief for Earned Income |
327 | 意外利得免稅額 | Windfall Exemption |
328 | 意外利得利潤稅 | Windfall Profits Tax |
329 | 搬家費用 | Moving Expenses |
330 | 損失減除 | Loss Relief |
331 | 新興產業 | Pioneer Industry |
332 | 煙草稅 | Tobacco Tax |
333 | 節約能源獎勵 | Energy-saving Incentives |
334 | 經濟利益團體 | Economic Interest Group, EIG |
335 | 補充性稅額扣抵 | Supplementary Investment Tax Credit |
336 | 補充核定 | Supplemental Assessment |
337 | 補充稅 | Complementary Tax |
338 | 資本分配 | Capital Distribution |
339 | 資本利得稅 | Capital Gains Tax |
340 | 資本取得稅 | Capital Acquisitions Tax |
341 | 資本所得 | Income from Capital |
342 | 資本財 | Capital Assets, Fixed Assets |
343 | 資本移轉稅 | Capital Transfer Tax |
344 | 資訊交換 | Exchange of Information |
345 | 資源稅 | Resource Rent, Tax |
346 | 農業稅 | Taxation of Agriculture |
347 | 道路費 | Road Toll |
348 | 過渡時期協議 | Transitional Arrangements |
349 | 零息債券 | Zero Bonds |
350 | 零售階段銷售稅 | Retail Sales Tax |
351 | 預付公司稅 | Advance Corporation Tax, ACT |
352 | 境外公司 | Offshore Companies |
353 | 國外來源所得 | Foreign-source Income |
354 | 境外信託 | Offshore Trust |
355 | 境外創投 | Offshore Joint Venture |
356 | 福利性所得 | Fringe Benefits |
357 | 實現 | Realization (of Assets) |
358 | 管理處所 | Place of Management |
359 | 管理費用 | Management Expenses |
360 | 管理與控制 | Management and Control |
361 | 維也納協定 | Vienna Conventions |
362 | 維護成本 | Maintenance Expenses |
363 | 遠期外匯交易 | Forward Foreign Exchange Transactions |
364 | 遠期利率協議 | Forward Rate Agreement |
365 | 暫時進口 | Temporary Importation |
366 | 標準稅率 | Standard Rate |
367 | 歐聯指令 | Directive, EC |
368 | 歐聯自由貿易協會 | European Free Trade Association, EFTA |
369 | 課稅交易 | Taxable Transaction |
370 | 課稅年度 | Taxable Year |
371 | 課稅期間 | Taxable Period |
372 | 課稅稅基 | Taxable Base |
373 | 課稅價格 | Taxable Value |
374 | 營運損失 | Operating Losses |
375 | 環境獎勵 | Environmental Incentives |
376 | 毛利 | Gross Profit |
377 | 毛利率 | Gross Profit Ratio |
378 | 毛利潤稅 | Gross Profit Tax |
379 | 總機構費用 | Head Office Expenses |
380 | 聯合申報 | Joint Return |
381 | 聯合核課 | Joint Assessment |
382 | 薪資稅 | Wage Tax |
383 | 還原 | Grossing Up |
384 | 隱藏之利潤分配 | Hidden Profit Distributions |
385 | 隱藏準備 | Hidden Reserves |
386 | 簡式發票 | Simplified Invoices |
387 | 藍色申報制度 | Blue Return System |
388 | 醫療費用 | Medical Expenses |
389 | 離境稅 | Departure Tax |
390 | 雙重居住者公司 | Dual Resident Company |
391 | 特別負擔 | Extraordinary Burdens |
392 | 課稅領域 | Boundaries, Tax |
393 | 邊際減免額 | Marginal Relief |
394 | 邊際稅率 | Marginal Rates |
395 | 關係人 | Related Person |
396 | 關係企業 | Associated Enterprises |
397 | 關稅暨貿易總協定 | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT |
398 | 關稅聯盟 | Customs Union |
399 | 議定書 | Protocol |
400 | 屬地原則 | Territoriality Principle |
401 | 鰥夫(寡婦)之減除額 | Widow(er)’s Allowance |
402 | 觀光客稅 | Tourist Tax |
403 | 產業 | Industry |
404 | 加速折舊 | Acceleration of Depreciation |
405 | 功能性獎勵 | Functional Incentives |
406 | 投資抵減 | Investment Tax Credit |
407 | 自動化設備或技術 | Equipment or Technology for Automation |
408 | 防治污染設備或技術 | Equipment or Technology for Pollution Control |
409 | 資源回收設備或技術 | Equipment or Technology Used for Reclamation of Resources |
410 | 工業用水再利用設備或技術 | Equipment or Technology Used for Recycling of Water for Industrial Use |
411 | 節約能源設備或技術 | Equipment or Technology Used for Energy Saving |
412 | 研究與發展 | Research and Development |
413 | 人才培訓 | Personnel Training |
414 | 建立國際品牌形象支出 | Expenditure of Creating Internationally Acceptable Brand or Product |
415 | 資源貧瘠或發展遲緩地區 | Areas of Scanty Natural Resources or Slow Development |
416 | 重要投資事業 | Important Invested Enterprise |
417 | 重要科技事業 | Important Technology Based Enterprise |
418 | 創業投資事業 | Venture Capital Enterprise |
419 | 原始認股或應募 | Subscribe or Underwrite the Registered Stock |
420 | 國外投資損失準備 | Reserve for Loss in Outward Investment |
421 | 專案合併 | Merger of Special Approval |
422 | 緩課 | Tax Deferral |
二、菸酒稅 | ||
1 | 菸 | Tobacco |
2 | 酒 | Alcohol |
3 | 紙菸 | Cigarettes |
4 | 菸絲 | Cut Tobacco |
5 | 雪茄 | Cigars |
6 | 釀造酒類 | Brewed Alcoholic Beverages |
7 | 啤酒 | Beer |
8 | 蒸餾酒類 | Distilled Spirits |
9 | 再製酒類 | Reprocessed Alcoholic Beverages |
10 | 米酒 | Rice Spirits |
11 | 料理酒 | Cooking Alcoholic Beverages |
12 | 其他酒類 | Other Alcoholic Beverages |
13 | 酒精 | Ethyl Alcohol |
14 | 酒精成分 | Alcohol Content |
15 | 未變性酒精 | Un-denatured Ethyl Alcohol |
16 | 已變性酒精 | Denatured Ethyl Alcohol |
17 | 含藥酒類 | Medicated Alcohol |
18 | 公賣利益 | Monopoly Revenue |
19 | 視為出廠 | Being Deemed as Removal from the Factory |
20 | 酒精性飲料 | Alcoholic Beverages |
21 | 釀造 | Brewage |
22 | 糖化 | Saccharification |
23 | 發酵 | Fermentation |
24 | 蒸餾 | Distillation |
25 | 酒母 | Seed |
26 | 酒糟 | Stillage; Distillers Grain; Vinasse ; Grain; Slopp; Dunder |
27 | 白麴 | White Qu |
28 | 紅麴 | Red Qu |
29 | 工業用酒精 | Industrial Ethyl Alcohol |
三、貨物稅 | ||
1 | 貨物稅 | Commodity Tax |
2 | 應稅貨物 | Taxable Goods |
3 | 免稅貨物 | Tax Exempt Goods |
4 | 納稅義務人 | The Taxpayers |
5 | 產製 | Manufactured |
6 | 委託代製 | Manufactured on a Consign Process Contract |
7 | 產製廠商 | The Manufacturer |
8 | 免稅採購 | Purchasing of Tax-exempt Raw Materials |
9 | 軍用免稅 | Tax-exempt Military Goods |
10 | 從價徵收 | Taxed on an ad Valorem Basis |
11 | 從量徵收 | Taxed on a Specific Basis |
12 | 應徵稅額 | The Tax Amounts |
13 | 大客車、大貨車車胎 | Rubber Tires for Buses and Trucks |
14 | 卜特蘭一型水泥 | Portland I Cement |
15 | 卜特蘭高爐水泥 | Portland Blast-furnace Slag Cement |
16 | 代水泥 | Substitutes of Cement |
17 | 水泥熟料 | Cement Clinkers |
18 | 飛灰水泥 | Fly Ashes Cement |
19 | 散裝水泥 | Bulk Cement |
20 | 設廠機製 | Machine-made |
21 | 清涼飲料品 | Cold Drinks |
22 | 天然果蔬汁 | Natural Fruit Juice |
23 | 稀釋天然果蔬汁 | Diluted Natural Fruit Juice |
24 | 食品添加物 | Food Additives |
25 | 乳品 | Dairy Products |
26 | 調味乳、發酵乳 | Flavoured Milk(Fermented Milk) |
27 | CNS國家標準 | The CNS National Standards |
28 | 平板玻璃 | Flat-glass |
29 | 導電玻璃 | Electrification Glass(Conductive Glass) |
30 | 主機 | Central Air Conditioning Units |
31 | 音響組件 | Stereophonic Components |
32 | 小客車 | Passenger Sedans |
33 | 貨車 | Trucks |
34 | 客貨兩用車 | Passenger-cargo Cars |
35 | 供研究發展用之進口車輛 | Vehicles Imported for Use in Technical Research and Development |
36 | 特種車輛 | Special Purpose Vehicles |
37 | 農地搬運車 | Tractors Equipped with Farming Equipment |
38 | 自行設計 | 已修正取消 |
39 | 完稅價格 | Taxable Value |
40 | 包裝從物價格 | The Related Packing Costs |
41 | 推廣費用 | 已修正取消 |
42 | 出廠價格 | The ex Factory Price |
43 | 銷售價格 | The Selling Price |
44 | 批發商毛利 | The Wholesale Profits |
45 | 通常價格 | General Price |
46 | 容器成本通常標準 | The Container Cost General Standards |
47 | 廠商登記 | Manufacturer’s Registration |
48 | 保稅工廠 | Bonded Factory |
49 | 產品登記 | Product Registration |
50 | 產品統一編號 | Product Numbers |
51 | 照證 | Certificates |
52 | 替代照證 | Substitutes of Certificates |
53 | 計稅單位 | Tax Unit |
54 | 未稅倉庫 | Warehouse for Untaxed Goods |
55 | 未稅移運 | Movement of Untaxed Goods |
56 | 滯報金、怠報金 | Amount of Belated Reporting and Non-reporting(Commodity tax) |
57 | 滯納金、滯納利息(貨物稅) | Amount of Belated Payment and Belated Interest(Commodity Tax) |
四、證券及期貨交易稅 | ||
1 | 公司債 | Corporate Bond |
2 | 代徵人 | Collecting Agent |
3 | 存託憑證 | Depositary Receipt |
4 | 有價證券 | Securities |
5 | 受益憑證 | Beneficiary Certificate |
6 | 受讓證券人 | Securities Transferee |
7 | 店頭市場 | Market for unlisted Securities‚Over the Counter Market |
8 | 股票 | Shares, Stocks |
9 | 金融債券 | Financial Bond |
10 | 政府債券 | Government Bond |
11 | 報備股票 | Recorded Stocks |
12 | 買賣交割 | Trade Settlement |
13 | 過戶 | Transfer |
14 | 零股買賣 | Odd-lot Trading |
15 | 認購(股)權證 | Call Warrant |
16 | 證券交易所 | Securities Exchange |
17 | 證券自營商 | Securities Dealer |
18 | 證券承銷商 | Securities Underwriter |
19 | 證券經紀商 | Securities Broker |
20 | 證券櫃檯賣賣中心 | GreTai Securities Market |
21 | 緩課股票 | Tax-deferred Stocks |
22 | 管理股票 | Managed Stock |
23 | 證券交易稅之代徵獎金 | Collecting Reward of the Securities Transaction Tax |
24 | 期貨交易稅 | Futures Transaction Tax |
25 | 股價指數期貨契約 | Stock Price Index Futures |
26 | 股價指數期貨選擇權契約 | Contracts Involving Options on Stock Index Futures |
27 | 股價選擇權契約 | Contracts Involving Stock Options |
28 | 結算之市場價格 | Settlement Price |
29 | 期貨交易稅之代徵人 | Collecting Agent of the Futures Transaction Tax |
30 | 期貨交易稅之代徵獎金 | Collecting Reward of the Futures Transaction Tax |
31 | 期貨商 | Futures Commission Merchant |
32 | 期貨交易所 | Futures Exchange |
五、印花稅 | ||
1 | 印花稅應稅憑證 | Taxable Documents for Stamp Tax |
2 | 銀錢收據 | Receipts for Monetary Payments |
3 | 買賣動產契據 | Deeds for Sale of Movables |
4 | 承攬契據 | Contracting Agreements |
5 | 典賣契據 | Contracts for Sale |
6 | 讓受契據 | Contracts for Transfer |
7 | 分割不動產契據 | Contracts for Partition of Real Estate |
8 | 貼花及註銷 | Stamp Affixed and Cancelled |
9 | 揭下重用 | Removed for Reuse |
10 | 彙總繳納 | Paid by Filing a Collective Tax Return |
六、營業稅 | ||
1 | 銷售貨物 | Sale of Goods |
2 | 在中華民國境內銷售貨物 | Sale of Goods within the Territory of the Republic of China |
3 | 銷售勞務 | Sale of Services |
4 | 在中華民國境內銷售勞務 | Sale of Services within the Territory of the Republic of China |
5 | 進口貨物 | Imported Goods |
6 | 納稅義務人 | Taxpayer |
7 | 營業人 | Business Entity |
8 | 固定營業場所 | Fixed Place of Business |
9 | 視為銷售 | Deemed as a Sale of Goods |
10 | 零稅率 | Zero-tax-rate |
11 | 遠洋漁船 | Deep Sea Fishing Boats |
12 | 免徵營業稅 | Exemption of Business Tax |
13 | 放棄適用免稅 | Waive the Exemption |
14 | 教育勞務 | Education Services |
15 | 飼料 | Feed |
16 | 未經加工之生鮮農產物 | Unprocessed Raw Agricultural Products |
17 | 農耕用機器設備 | Agricultural Machinery |
18 | 衍生性金融商品 | Financial Derivatives |
19 | 合作社 | Cooperatives |
20 | 黃金 | Gold |
21 | 古物 | Ancient Curios or Remains |
22 | 一般稅額計算 | General Tax Computation |
23 | 特種稅額計算 | Special Tax Computation |
24 | 特種飲食業 | Special Food and Beverage Services Enterprises |
25 | 有娛樂節目之餐飲業 | Restaurants Providing Entertaining Show Programs |
26 | 小規模營業人 | Small Business Entities |
27 | 免予申報銷售額之營業人 | Exempted from Filing Sales Amounts |
28 | 查定課徵 | Business Tax Assessed by the Tax Authority |
29 | 起徵點 | Tax Threshold, Minimum Taxable Sales Amount |
30 | 兼營營業人 | Dual-Status Business Entities |
31 | 不得扣抵比例 | Non-deductible Ratio |
32 | 比例扣抵法 | Proportional Deduction Method |
33 | 直接扣抵法 | Direct Deduction Method |
34 | 銷售額 | Sales Amounts |
35 | 銷項稅額 | Output Tax |
36 | 進項稅額 | Input Tax |
37 | 自用乘人小汽車 | Passenger Cars for Personal Use |
38 | 進項憑證 | Input Documentary Evidence |
39 | 溢付憑證 | Overpaid Business Tax |
40 | 留抵稅額 | Offset Against Business Tax Payable |
41 | 銷項憑證 | Output Documentary Evidence |
42 | 二聯式統一發票 | Duplicate Uniform Invoice |
43 | 三聯式統一發票 | Triplicate Uniform Invoice |
44 | 特種統一發票 | Special Uniform Invoice |
45 | 收銀機統一發票 | Cash Register Uniform Invoice |
46 | 電子計算機統一發票 | Computer Uniform Invoice |
47 | 代收代付 | Collections and Payment Transfer |
48 | 營利事業統一發證 | Issuing Business Registration by Single Authority |
49 | 設籍課稅 | Taxing with Taxpayer Files |
50 | 媒體申報 | Filing by the Media |
51 | 總分支機構合併申報 | File Consolidated Tax Return |
52 | 滯報金 | Surcharge for belated filing |
53 | 怠報金 | Non-filing Surcharge |
54 | 虛報進項稅額 | Input Tax Falsely Reported |
55 | 虛設行號 | Bogus Business Entity |
七、土地稅 | ||
1 | 累進起點地價 | Starting Cumulative Value (SCV) |
2 | 抵價地 | Land in Lieu of Compensation |
3 | 土地稅 | Land Tax |
4 | 抵費地 | Offset-Expenditure Land |
5 | 公共設施保留地 | Land Reserved for Public Facilities |
6 | 申報地價 | Declaration of the Value of the Land |
7 | 土地漲價總數額 | The Total Land Value Incremental |
8 | 徵收實物 | Levy on Agricultural Land May be Paid in Kind with Rice or Wheat |
9 | 折價代金 | Monetary Substitution May be Offered in Payment in Lieu of Rice or Wheat |
10 | 原規定地價 | The Original Decreed Value |
11 | 前次移轉現值 | The Previous Transfer Value |
12 | 空地 | Vacant Lot |
13 | 自用住宅用地 | Residential Land for Self-use |
14 | 自耕農地 | Farmland Self-cultivated by in Person |
15 | 隨賦徵購實物 | Purchase of Agricultural Products From Farmers When Collecting Payment in Kind |
16 | 公告現值 | Assessed Present Value |
17 | 私有土地 | Private Land |
18 | 公有土地 | Public Land |
19 | 重購退稅 | The Land Value Increment Tax has Been Refunded to a Landowner Due to Reacquisition |
20 | 都市土地 | Urban Land |
21 | 農業用地 | Agricultural Land |
22 | 非都市土地 | Non-urban Land |
23 | 工業用地 | Industrial Land |
八、房屋稅 | ||
1 | 房屋稅 | House Tax |
2 | 已辦登記之所有權人 | The Owner of Which Property is Registered |
3 | 不堪居住 | Uninhabitable |
4 | 水電未裝置完成已可供使用 | A condition where facilities for the supply of water and power are deemed to be under construction, but where such facilities may nonetheless be avaiable for use under certain circumstances |
5 | 水電裝置完成可供使用 | A condition where construction of the facilities for the supply of water and power are considered completed and can be use |
6 | 主要結構 | A major structural part of the building |
7 | 卡序 | Numeric Card |
8 | 必須修復始能使用 | Must be Repaired Before They can Become Usable |
9 | 未滿一個月不計 | An Exemption From Payment for Such Period as is Less Than one Calendar Month |
10 | 未辦所有權登記之實際所有人 | Building of Which the Actual Owner is unregistered |
11 | 用途 | Usage of the Building |
12 | 申報日期 | Date of Declaration |
13 | 共用使用部分 | The Area for the Common Usage |
14 | 合法登記之工廠 | Duly-registered Factory |
15 | 因而發生漏稅 | Results in Tax Evasion |
16 | 住家用 | Residential Purposes |
17 | 夾層 | A double Layer |
18 | 使用執照 | License for Usage |
19 | 典權 | Dien |
20 | 延不申請使用執照 | Apply for a Delay in the Issue of a Usage License |
21 | 房屋所有人 | Owner of the Building |
22 | 房屋建造完成 | The Completed Construction of the Building |
23 | 房屋高度 | The Height of the Building |
24 | 房屋現值 | The Current Value of Building |
25 | 空置不為使用 | Vacancy |
26 | 非住家非營業用 | For a Building Used for Both Non-residential and Non- business Purposes |
27 | 屋頂游泳池加價 | Added Value for a Swimming Pool on the Roof |
28 | 建造執照 | Construction License |
29 | 建築物 | Building |
30 | 建築執造 | Construction License |
31 | 面積 | Area |
32 | 起造人 | The Builder |
33 | 移轉當期 | Transferred at the Time of Building |
34 | 逐層遞減 | The Decrease in the Standard Value Floor by Floor |
35 | 毀損面積 | The Area Which Was Destroyed |
36 | 構造 | Structure |
37 | 課稅資料 | Taxable Data |
38 | 應繳未繳 | Non-payment of Due Tax Failure to Pay |
39 | 營業用 | For the Purpose of Conducting Business |
總層數 | Gross Floor Area of the Building | |
九、契稅 | ||
1 | 契稅 | Deed Tax |
2 | 公證 | A Certificate Issued by Court |
3 | 分割 | Partition |
4 | 占有 | Possession |
5 | 交換 | Exchange |
6 | 共有 | Held in Common |
7 | 判決確定日 | Final Judgment Rendered by the Court |
8 | 承典 | Creation of Dien |
9 | 契稅申報起算日 | The Starting Date for Filing of the Deed Tax |
10 | 契價 | The Value of a Deed |
11 | 怠報金 | Surcharge |
12 | 匿報 | Evades Reporting of the Deed Tax |
13 | 區分所有 | The Portion of Strata Titled |
14 | 短報 | Under-reports |
15 | 買賣 | Sale |
16 | 實質課稅 | Real Levy |
17 | 贈與 | Bestowal or Donation |
18 | 權利變更登記 | Registration of the Transfer of Rights |
19 | 變更起造人 | A Change in the Name of the Builder |
十、使用牌照稅 | ||
1 | 使用牌照稅 | Vehicle License Tax |
2 | 納稅義務人 | Taxpayer |
3 | 交通工具 | Transportation Equipment |
4 | 汽缸總排氣量 | Total Cylinder Displacement Volume |
5 | 軍隊裝備編制內之交通工具 | Military T/O Transportation Equipment |
6 | 公共團體設立之醫院 | Public Hospitals |
7 | 裝配之交通工具 | Assembled Transportation Equipment |
8 | 利用非交通工具之設備 | Equipment Utilizing Non-transportation Vehicle |
9 | 專供公共安全使用之交通工具 | Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively for Public Safety Purpose |
10 | 專供衛生使用之交通工具 | Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively for the Purposes of Public Health |
11 | 專供身心障礙者使用之交通工具 | Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively by a Mentally or Physically Disabled Person Who Carries a Mental/Physical Disability card Issued by the Competent Authorities |
12 | 臨時牌照及試車車牌 | Temporary License and License for Automobile Testing |
13 | 逾期使用 | Use When Expired/ Used When Expired |
14 | 移用使用牌照 | Vehicle License Removed for use on Another Vehicle |
十一、娛樂稅 | ||
1 | 娛樂稅 | Amusement Tax |
2 | 納稅義務人 | Taxpayer |
3 | 代徵人 | Collecting Agents |
4 | 技藝表演 | Acrobatics Show |
5 | 競技比賽 | Competitions of Still and Other Contests / Competitions and Contents of Skill |
6 | 其他提供娛樂設施 | The Like That Provide Facilities for the Recreation or Entertainment of Others |
7 | 公益慈善演出 | A Show for Public Interest and Charity |
8 | 代徵 | Who Pay Tax Collected |
9 | 代徵獎勵金 | Grant Who Pay Tax Collected Award |
10 | 不予代徵 | Failure to Collect |
十二、遺產贈與稅 | ||
1 | 經常居住中華民國境內 | Continuous Residence Within the ROC |
2 | 贈與 | Gift |
3 | 以贈與論 | Be Regarded as Gift |
4 | 遺產總額 | Gross Estate |
5 | 視為被繼承人遺產 | Regarded as Estate Property of the Decedent |
6 | 遺產淨額 | Taxable Estate |
7 | 債權及其他請求權不能收取或行使 | Unrecoverable or Unexercisable Claims |
8 | 農業用地 | Farmland |
9 | 不計入遺產總額 | Exclusions From the Gross Estate |
10 | 不計入贈與總額 | Exclusions From the Total Amount of Gifts |
11 | 贈與附有負擔 | Liability Transferred Together With the Gift |
12 | 課徵標的物 | The Subject Matter |
13 | 實物抵繳 | Using Physical Objects for Payment of Taxes |
14 | 確切納稅保證 | Definitive Guarantee of Payment |
15 | 未結之案件 | Unsettled Cases |
十三、稅捐稽徵法 | ||
1 | 稅捐 | Tax |
2 | 稅捐法定主義 | Principle of Taxation Under the Law |
3 | 互惠免稅 | Reciprocal Tax Exemption |
4 | 稅捐優先權 | Collection of Taxes Given Priority Over General Claims by Creditors |
5 | 破產 | Bankruptcy |
6 | 破產財團 | Bankruptcy Estate |
7 | 破產債權 | Obligatory Claim Against the Bankruptcy |
8 | 別除權 | Right of Exclusion |
9 | 財團費用 | Expense of the Bankruptcy Estate |
10 | 財團債務 | Debts of the Bankruptcy Estate |
11 | 公司重整 | Company Reorganization |
12 | 重整債權 | A Obligatory Claim Against the Reorganization of the Company |
13 | 重整債務 | Debts Incurred During Company Reorganization |
14 | 緩繳 | Deferred Payment of Taxes |
15 | 相當擔保 | Equivalent Collateral |
16 | 共有財產 | Jointly-Owned Property |
17 | 分別共有 | Co-Owned |
18 | 公同共有 | Owned-In-Common |
19 | 公司合併 | Company Merger |
20 | 概括承受 | General Assumption |
21 | 繳納通知文書 | Tax Payment Notice |
22 | 繳納期限 | Deadline of Payment for the Tax Payable |
23 | 查對更正 | Check and Correction |
24 | 送達 | Service of Documents |
25 | 交付送達 | Service of Documents by Hand |
26 | 寄存送達 | Service of Documents by Mail to the Location of the Competent Autonomous or Police Authorities |
27 | 公示送達 | Service of Notice by Publication |
28 | 應受送達人 | A Person to Whom the Service of Notice is Attempted |
29 | 委託送達 | Service of Notice by a Government Organization so Entrusted |
30 | 補充送達 | Service of Notice to the Agent, Representatives of the Taxpayer |
31 | 滯納金 | Delinquency Charge |
32 | 核課期間 | Assessment Periods |
33 | 徵收期間 | Collection Periods |
34 | 參與分配 | Participate in the Distribution of the Proceeds From the Court-enforced Sale of a Property |
35 | 稅捐保全 | Tax Safeguards |
36 | 禁止財產處分 | Prohibited From the Disposal of Property |
37 | 限制出境 | Restriction from Leaving the ROC |
38 | 提前徵收 | Collection Prior to the Statutory Date the Amount to Be Paid in Taxes Falls Due |
39 | 溢繳退稅 | Refund of Overpaid Tax |
40 | 退稅抵欠 | Offset the Refundable Taxes Payable Against the Delinquent Taxes Receivable |
41 | 搜索 | Search |
42 | 扣押 | Seizure |
43 | 課稅資料保密 | Preserve the Confidentiality of Taxation Information |
44 | 執行名義 | A Ground for Execution |
45 | 稅捐行政救濟 | Administrative Remedies |
46 | 復查 | Recheck |
47 | 撤銷重核 | Cancel and Reassess |
48 | 稅務協談 | An Offer Arising in Relation to the Compromise of a Tax-related case |
49 | 代徵 | Taxes Collection by Agent |
50 | 確定 | Confirmation |
51 | 強制執行 | Compulsory Execution |
52 | 拘提管收 | Arrested and Taken into Custody |
53 | 暫緩移送執行 | Deferral of the Compulsory Execution |
54 | 停止執行 | Cessation of the Compulsory Execution |
55 | 租稅罰 | Tax-Related Punishment |
56 | 租稅刑罰 | Tax-Related Penal Punishment |
57 | 租稅秩序罰 | Punishment for Violating of a Duty to Act in Relation to the Tax Law |
58 | 行為罰 | Punishment for Violating the Duty to Act |
59 | 漏稅罰 | Tax Evasion Punishment |
60 | 擇一從重處罰 | Imposition of the Most Severe of the Punishments |
61 | 自動補報免罰 | Remitted from Punishment on Presentation of a Supplementary Tax Declaration and a Payment of Taxes |
62 | 減免處罰 | Mitigate or Remit the Punishment |
63 | 從新從輕原則 | The Principle of Applying the Newer or the More Lenient Law |
64 | 裁罰金額倍數參考表 | Reference Table for Fines and Multiples of Punishments |
65 | 準用 | Apply mutatis mutandis |
66 | 檢舉逃漏稅獎金 | The Reward for an Informant or Accuser Providing Informing Regarding Evasion of Payment of Tax by a Taxpayer |
- Mar 18 Thu 2010 15:22
香港三日遊行程 3/20~22
3/20 | 事項 | 地鐵 | 其它參考 | 預估費用(HKD) |
11:00am | 扺達機場 | 機場快線-機場 | ||
12:30am | 扺達飯店 check in(恆豐) | 荃灣線-佐敦 | ||
2:00pm | 拿演唱會門票 | 港島線-灣仔 | 350 | |
2:30pm | 下午茶-半島酒店(2~5pm) | 荃灣線-尖沙咀 | 852-2920 2888 | HK$368+10% / 2人 |
4:30pm | 逛街-海港城 | 荃灣線-尖沙咀 | ||
6:20pm | 晚餐-雲南酸辣米線 | 荃灣線-尖沙咀 | 廣東道72號地下 | 30 |
7:00pm | Eason演唱會(8:15~11:15) | 西鐵線-紅磡 | ||
11:45pm | 回飯店休息 | 荃灣線-佐敦 | ||
3/21 | 事項 | 地鐵 | 其它參考 | |
9:00am | 早餐-茶餐廳(蓮香樓) | 港島線-中環 | 威靈頓街160-164號 | 50 |
10:30am | 打小人-灣仔鵝頸橋 | 港島線-銅鑼灣 | 堅拿道陸橋 | 50 |
11:30am | 逛街-時代廣場及街邊 | 港島線-銅鑼灣 | ||
1:00am | 午餐-太興燒味餐廳 | 港島線-銅鑼灣 | 謝斐道470-484號1-3號 | 60 |
2:00pm | 至馬場(1~6pm) | 東鐵線-馬場 | 50 | |
4:30pm | 逛街-置地廣場及街邊 | 港島線-中環 | ||
7:00pm | 晚餐-SOHO區異國美食&蘭桂坊小酌 | 港島線-中環 | 200 | |
9:30pm | 中環至尖沙咀 | 中環碼頭 | ||
10:00pm | 維多利亞港看夜景 | 荃灣線-尖沙咀 | ||
11:00pm | 宵夜-甜品(糖朝) | 荃灣線-尖沙咀 | 廣東道100號 | 30 |
11:30pm | 回飯店休息 | 荃灣線-佐敦 | ||
3/22 | 事項 | 地鐵 | 其它參考 | |
9:00am | 逛街-佐敦商圈 | 荃灣線-佐敦 | ||
10:30am | 離開飯店 check out | 荃灣線-佐敦 | ||
11:30am | 機場快線 check in | 港島線-中環 | ||
12:00am | 早午餐-澳門茶餐廳 | 荃灣線-尖沙咀 | 50 | |
1:00pm | 星光大道 | 荃灣線-尖沙咀 | ||
2:00pm | 黃大仙廟 | 觀塘線-黃大仙 | ||
3:30pm | 搭機場快線至機場 | 機場快線-香港 | ||
4:00pm | 逛街-東薈城outlet | 的士 | ||
6:20pm | 返回機場準備登機 |
- Mar 08 Mon 2010 03:25